Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

Wow...it's the last day of June and I haven't posted hardly at all this month. Guess I have been busier than I thought. I am back working in the hearing aid department so I have a couple of day shifts a week so that has added to my plate...in a good way I might add....Jason has also started Golden West College. He's taking an automotive class for the summer so I have had to play taxi driver for him as he doesn't have a license yet. He's loving the class and I am excited that he is excited. We saw Jeremy's "hump" day come and go.....so it's all down hill from here Baybee!! I think he has something like 350 days left til we pick him up next June! I'm so looking forward to that!

Cliff and I spoke in church on Sunday.....not only did we speak.....we survived speaking! lol We spoke on Genealogy and Family History....I did the family history part and managed to weave some scrapbooking into it....in a way that made sense to people tho. I had people comment afterwards that they thought I had done a good job...some said they had never really thought about scrapping as a family history so I was glad that perhaps I had given a few people something to think about. Cliff did a good job too....I don't know why he thinks he does such a bad job....he had the audience laughing more than I did.

Remember that box of photos I found in the garage? Well while Linda was here visiting we scanned a bunch of them and I decided last night that I would scrap this one. I'm guessing gramma must have been about 6 or 7 which makes the photo over 100 years old. Since July 4th is coming up on us this week I thought it was the perfect one to scrap.

Well I'm off to play taxi service once again....so I guess this will have to do for this post. See Ya!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

I just got the word.....

About this totally cool FREE class that Jessica Sprague is offering ....I am just learning Photoshop Elements and think this will be an awesome way to learn something new....go and check it out everyone!