Is for you my amazing cyber friends! Thank you so much to all of you for sending me your pictures....I hope it was worth the wait.
"More than names on my computer screen over the past three years these wonderful women have become my friends. We talk almost daily and we know the ins and outs of each others lives. We’ve scrapped together, laughed together, supported each other, yes and we have even shed a few tears together. So when the Design Team was abruptly terminated none of us were prepared for the huge sense of loss that we all felt. These were our friends and we were lost without them. Fortunately, Michelle (aka momof3crazies) was on a design team on another board and their owner graciously offered to give us a new cyber-home. Thank you so much Suzanne! We have never felt more welcome. No drama, just support, friendship and love. We may have never met IRL in real life but I am so grateful for my cyber friends!"