Monday, April 28, 2008

This One.....

Is for you my amazing cyber friends! Thank you so much to all of you for sending me your pictures....I hope it was worth the wait.

"More than names on my computer screen over the past three years these wonderful women have become my friends. We talk almost daily and we know the ins and outs of each others lives. We’ve scrapped together, laughed together, supported each other, yes and we have even shed a few tears together. So when the Design Team was abruptly terminated none of us were prepared for the huge sense of loss that we all felt. These were our friends and we were lost without them. Fortunately, Michelle (aka momof3crazies) was on a design team on another board and their owner graciously offered to give us a new cyber-home. Thank you so much Suzanne! We have never felt more welcome. No drama, just support, friendship and love. We may have never met IRL in real life but I am so grateful for my cyber friends!"

Always Learning

I have never considered myself a very competitive person.....however over the past few months I am realizing that I do have a competitive streak. I am in a contest at Scrapbookdeals4U. Every Monday morning they post who has made it to the next round and what our next challenge is. I keep telling myself that it doesn't matter if I go on or not....blah blah blah...yeah right!

I am having a blast doing the challenges and it is so much fun to participate in a new site that is just getting off the ground. I have done some great layouts that I am very proud of so what else could a girl ask for...right??? How about a life lesson....who says you can't learn something new about yourself at 50+ years old? (ohh did I say THAT out loud??) I confess....I am WAY more competitive that I ever on to round 3

Here is one of my layouts from round 2.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Just some morning musings of a missionary mom......

As things keep swirling around me in a flurry of excitement and anticipation of Jeremy's departure it has occured to me how truly the only thing constant in life is "change". I work full time now....I didn't use to....I use to be home full time with the boys.....I use to have to make sure all of their needs were I have to let them meet their own needs......I use to have a house full of day care I have peace and quiet, well most of the time is all about changing and just how well we learn to deal with it. It seems like since Jeremy received his mission call every hug good bye is a bit longer and a bit stronger as I know they are limited now....before they were abundant.....I could have one almost whenever I wanted I am counting each and every one..... My head knows this is as it should heart not so much. Gotta love change right?
The layout that I posted here is one I did for the first round of a contest over at kind of sums up today's post.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Getting use to it

I am beginning to get use to the idea that Jeremy is leaving. I think I can finally say I am "excited" for him. We have done our job....we have trained him up in the way that he should go....but it's still hard. I keep thinking of all the things I think he should know.....can he cook well enoough....will he remember to seperate his laundry.....will he be able to write a letter so I can read it? I guess once a Mom always a Mom uh? is a layout I did of him the day he received his call.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

In just 7 weeks

My oldest child will be "flying the coop". I am excited for him and sad that he is leaving all at the same time. Yesterday, Jeremy received his mission call. He has been called to the Pocatello Idaho Mission. He leaves June 11th! We are so proud of him. I think this picture says it all!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Ever have one of those photos?

I got this photo from my nephew David last weekend. He took it one weekend when we were at Mom and Dad's. He actually turned it in for a High School Photography class. I could not wait to scrap it. It is such an amazing picture. My sweet baby boy. The photo totally captivated me. David did such an awesome job. I love the lighting. Dave told me Jeremy was staring at the tv (gee no surprise so it was the light from the TV that illuminated his sweet little face....I had never seen the photo til really took me back......especially with him anxiously anticipating his mission was perfect timing. Thanks David for sharing this with me.

Monday, April 7, 2008

I Hide....You Count

We went to the Bay Area to celebrate Mom's 82 birthday this past weekend. It was great to see everyone....especially Mom...she looks great and I could tell she loved having her family around her. David and Debbie came over with the kids and we had a lot of fun visiting. Jeremy in particular had fun playing with his 4 year old second cousin Nathan...they were so cute playing Nathan's version of Hide and Seek called "I count." It touched me to see this tall 19 year old young man playing so patiently with this cute little boy. Nathan is so full of energy. He reminds me of Jason when he was little.....ever the comic and only has two speeds full speed ahead and dead stop! I got some darling pictures of him. It was a short visit but fun to see everyone.

Speaking of counting.....we received a phone call last night......Jeremy's mission papers have been processed so we will know where he is going this Thursday or Friday depending on the mail...we are so excited for now we wait and wait and wait some more.