Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude

Here it is already the 11th of November and I decided I would try and take a picture a day of something I am grateful for and post it here. Not sure if I will make a scrapbook out of it or not but at least it will help me focus on the things I am grateful for. I posted on facebook this morning that I am grateful for birds that sing in November. I was walking Riley and I heard this little bird singing up on the made me stop and think....if I hadn't walked Riley....I would never have heard that sweet little birds glad for Riley too. I don't ordinarily think of birds singing in was nice to have the peace and quiet of the morning to hear his song. Ok so I don't have a picture for this but I do have this cute little bird photo that I took last spring..he was sitting outside my kitchen window.


Jean said...

Glad you got to hear him!

Tami said...

and that's the darn cutest little bird with a mohawk if I ever did see one!

Holly said...

I LOVE that picture!